Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mr. Coyle!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is Power?

Power can be broadly defined as the capacity to bring about change. It takes many forms, comes from many places, and is measured in many ways. Economic power, political power, and personal power are a few examples. Economic power can be broken down to communism, and capitalism. Capitalism is the system based on private ownership of capital. Communism is the system where private ownership is abolished.

During the Cold War, between 1945-1989 there was the shifting of power between USA and the USSR. The United States was a capitalist country, while the USSR was communist. Countries wanted to show that their system was better than the other. They both tried influencing other countries by spreading their ways, and preventing the spread of the opponent. Also present was the military competition. Whoever had more military armies and forces, were proven better. In addition, the Soviet Union had challenged and blocked sectors of the Berlin Wall. With the power of USA, they had withdrawn the blockade, and the sectors dividing the two had fallen with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Political power can be defined as a power held by a group in a society. During the years of the Russian Revolution, the ruler of the country was Tsar Nicholas. The Russian Revolution had the poorest living conditions, vast gaps in wealth, and was underdeveloped. Later during the years, Tsar Nicholas had established the Duma parliament, which he had given enough power to. Violence continues, and unrest was still growing in cities. After riots, and the assassination, Tsar Nicholas then steps down. The Duma now has power. Later on the Bolshiveks step in, and the Soviet Union is created and replaces the Russian Empire.

Personal power can be defined as each individual’s ability to bring out change. During the years of World War II, Hitler was a main part of power. Hitler had wanted to dominate Europe, and the world. He had the power to himself, but did not give the right for power to others. Today, globalization can be a form of individual power. The rapid change occurring is now because of each of us personally. The people have been helping in the creation of new technologies, and these have been affecting our lives. Today, we hold our own power whether or not we chose to do something, or not.

Today, personal power is present, but not everywhere.
Economic power, political power, and personal power are the main types. Economic power has brought change in places such as Russia. The use of political power gives a group the hold of power, and personal power gives each individual their own rights. Overall, power can be defined as the ability to change. All these types of power have been efficient in bring change to us, and our lives.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Control in The House of the Scorpion

In the book The House of the Scorpion, I can see control used in many places. During the time that El Patron had been living, he had control over the state of Opium where all his control was so respected, he had turned those necessary into eejits. He had control over everyone, including the workers and his family in Opium. Everyone respected him fully, and always listened to him. On page 139, Tam Lin tells Matt of how much control he has.

“Once El Patron decides something belongs to him, he never lets it go.”

“Never?” said Matt. “


This shows how strong El Patron has control over people. In addition, he had implanted chips into loads of people’s brains so they could only do a certain number of things, and that only. They didn’t have a brain to think for themselves, or feelings either. Whatever he told them to do, they had to follow, like robots. Also, the fact that El Patron can help save Matt from everyone else that hates him is a strong use of control. Since Matt is a clone, many others don’t view him as human. But El Patron, having all the control over everyone, made sure Matt was unharmed, and safe, until he could use him. After the story carries on, Matt starts to grow more control over the people just like El Patron

Later on in the book Matt tries to escape across the border to Alacran, when he knew why El Patron had given him so much. In Alacran, the control slipped from the state of Opium to the keepers who controlled the boys. There, Matt had lost most of his control and had to listen to the keepers. Page 280 describes Matt’s conversation with one of the keepers.

“What’s your name?” said a Keeper

“Matt Ortega,” Said Matt

“Ah. The aristocrat.”

News had spread around that Matt was an aristocrat, and the keepers had treated him even more harsh knowing he was smarter than others.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feedback Population Project

What are the three most valuable things you have learned during the Population Project process? How will they help you in the future?

One very valuable thing that i have learned while doing the population project is time management. I had to divide up time and plan ahead in order to hand in my portfolio on time, and create attractive contents. In the future when I move on to high school, there will be heavier projects that highly affect your final grades. In order to efficiently finish them, and have a good quality paper, learning time management now will help me succeed in high school, and college.

Secondly, I have learned new information on HIV/AIDS and how it is effecting the lives and possibly the economy of people in India. It has also helped me understand the disease better, and what people are doing to help. In the future this has the possibility of helping me with health projects, and other school related topics. Apart from this, I have always wanted to become a doctor in the future. Knowing more about the health issues will help me in my studies, and will give me a head start into a possible future job.

Lastly, it has helped me plan ahead and separate time out for each class so I would have done equal amount of work in each class. Having PoP to do had also increased my ability of searching on google. This has given me a chance to explore the websites, and search the library for informative books. This has exposed me to more various places in the librabry, and in the internet. This will help me in the future because I have understood the ways of how to get better search results faster. In high school, this will make my time faster and it will be easier to search on.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Net Effect of Globalization

"to extend to other or all parts of the globe and make worldwide' is the definition of globalization ( Overall, globalization has had both a negative and positive impact on us, and the world. The positive result of globalization are the increasing number of jobs to those who have been outsourced to. Places such as India has experienced this, and it has been helping the economy and money to the country. Globalization has also given a positive impact because it makes our lives easier and faster. The new developed computers and Ipods have made our life more entertaining, and websites such as hotmail and facebook have been efficient in connecting the world together. Not only that, but movies, and chats have made computers an essential in ones life.

Although globalization has had some positive impacts in our world, the negatives are slowly building up alongside it. for example, although India is getting new jobs by the day, jobs from America are being outsourced. Employees in the US are loosing jobs due to outsourcing to other cheaper countries that can do the same amount of work. If this continues to occur, then more people will start losing jobs. Globalization has also impacted the lives of every one of us. Due to the exposure of technology and latest entertainment, the culture of each country is slowly dying out. More people will be using the same technology, wearing similar clothing, eating same foods that no place will be unique. The effects of globalization has two possibilities. Leading the world towards full efficiency, or damaging it permanently.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Feedback: Technology & Shools

The main visual elements are the two parents discussing school with the son at the dinner table, and the son is very young. This issue is about how schools can use to much technology for not only middle schoolers, but for young elementary students to. Technology has become a way of teaching for children, and is a need. The opinion about this issue is the fact that the cartoonist is showing these days technology such as computers are used by people of many ages, and sometimes could have a negative impact. This is supported by the quote used beneath the picture. "Well yes, we could read your blog...or you could just tell us about your school day" The cartoonists opinion in a broader view is that technology is used by many, and can even get in ways of life.
This is an ironic picture because the child only looks to be about a young elementray schooler, yet he has a BLOG and knows about the new ways of technology. This relates to our study because technology is either a positive, or negative effect whichever balances out more to an individual. Technology has changed lives of humans for the better, yet some can say for the worse. The cartoonist could have drawn a picture of a high-tech computer in the background of the dinner table. That would support the authors opinion, and would give the viewer a more powerful image.

Image Cite:

Monday, April 13, 2009

PoP Project Week

-Take notes on the effects of AIDS
-Take notes on the Possible solutions
-Possibly start on outline
-Start writing body paragraphs and in text citation
Citation Worksheet
-Write intro and conclusion paragraphs
-Edit paper
-Finalize paper

Monday, March 23, 2009

What is Technology?

The definition of technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means such as industrial arts, engineering, and applied science. It is also used to help us accomplish things faster, and more efficiently. One very important technology used today would be the computer. Nearly everyone owns a computer because it is one of the fastest ways to spread information, and send information to others. Internet is now used among others as a way of entertainment, news, and knowledge. Another item that is widely used today are TV's, phone and i-pods. They are also used as a form of entertainment, and are used for enjoyment. Bombs are also very important these days in society. They are used these days to enhance war weapons to either defend, or attack other countries. From my perspective the least important technology would be like torch lights, hair dryers, vacuums cleaners, electrical toys , and maybe even bombs. Bombs can be used for good, but also bad therefor is falls under both least important, and very important. The amount of technological use in AES i feel is pretty well balanced. We use laptops, and the internet which is very important these days for people.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vonnegut and Technology


“Do you know what a Luddite is? That’s a person who doesn’t like newfangled contraptions. Contraptions like nuclear submarines armed with Poseidon missiles that have H-bombs in their warheads, and like computers that cheat you out of becoming. Bill Gates says, “Wait till you can see what your computer can become.” But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer.

- Kurt Vonnegut

I disagree with Kurt Vonnegut because he thinks that technology is blocking you from becoming what you can be. I think technology shows us our highest potential. The fact that we can create these things such as microwaves, TV's, radios, cell phones, and iPods show us what we can become. It shows what we can do as a person and our specialties. Technology has made contacting friends and family easier, and it has also improved the speed of sending letters. Although there are bad sides of technology such as guns, and missiles, but it has also improved our lives. With all this new technology it has improved our lives and enjoyment as a person, and possibly with this we can create some technogolies that can help reduce the war weapons. The more we increase technology, we can control the production of good and bad nuclear and war weapons. In 'Harrison Bergeon' Vonnegut shows us that he clearly hates technology. He is showing us it causes many problems and that its getting in the way of our livelihood. In conclusion, I have to disagree with Kurt Vonnegut

Monday, March 16, 2009

End of Quarter 3 Feedback

My first goal for last quarter was to be efficient in punctuation and writing. I think i have achieved part of my goal, but not to the most. As far as punctuation, working on the grammer worksheets have improved my sentence fluency, and writing techniques. My writing on the Recipe poem was pretty good, and i found that it really has improved over last quarter. My second goal was to keep up with classwork including homework. Overall i think i did a decent job keeping up with handing in homework on time and doing it correctly. Homework has been boosting up my grade, and i feel proud to have accomplished this goal. Lastly, my third goal was to participate in class more often. I strongly think that has improved compared to last quarter, but i could have participated more. Sometimes i know the answer, but dont have the guts to say it. That has improved, and i am participating more in class.
My goals for 4th quarter are:
1. To write a well written research paper for UBD.
2. To read on a daily basis and improve vocabulary for more writing coming up
3.Improve my powerpoint skills if any use of powerpoints is needed.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feedback March 2-6

The term 'Holy War' is an Oxymoron. This is because the two terms are very different from each other. The definition of Holy is specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority. As for the definition or war, its a conflict between countries, or ethnic groups that involves killing and violence. I believe that you couldn't possibly have a 'holy war' because all religions say that killing, and violence is not the answer, and yet, there are many wars in the world regarding religions.
In my opinion, we have wars over religions because people want to show that their religion is the best, and everyone should follow it. All religions are different, but they do have one strong similarity, where they claim no war. The reason why we have many these days are also because each religion doesn't approve other religions. They then argue about which one is better, by doing this other ethnic groups would join in order to get what they want. In the end, although even God claimed war was bad, they end up having one and fight for their religion.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I think that there is a high chance of starting a WWIII. All countries still get into fights to attain natural resources that their countries are longing for. There are still many, and will be many, discrimination's against religion, etc. You won't be able to change the way mankind is built. We are built in a way where we want all luxury, and are going to do anything in order to get it, even if it means war. The United Nations may be keeping the wars down for now, but if it later gets out of hand then all countries will break out. There are many small wars going around in different parts of the world, which could lead to more breakouts. Also, if a country has so much power, and decides to turn its back and start a war, then all countries could be joining other countries in order to stop them.
I think the countries with the most power would want more, and they have the power to start a war. If WWIII breaks out, the net affect on where the war was would be higher in the negatvies. The wars will most likely not last as long as WWI, and WWII because new technologies are being built everyday, and armies are being properly trained, but more armies would die. If countries decide to start a war now, then I think that there will be an overall negative effect because with all the new weapons, it would be killing off lots of people. To summarize, I think there is a high chance of seeing a WWIII in our future.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anne Frank's Diary

In The New York Times the writer Anna Quindlen asked, “Would our understanding of the Holocaust be quite the same if Anne Frank had not taken a small plaid diary into hiding with her?”
My response would be if Anne Frank had not written the diary, our understanding would be quite different. We only had the basic information, and how bad the Holocaust was, but never a witness who actually experienced it. It brings us so much more information, and feelings towards how the Jews felt and lived. Anne Frank's diary had many important secrets that wouldn't have been told, if not for her. She shows us more than the broad Holocaust, but the depth of every detail. This has affected us greatly, and would make our view towards the Jews more serious. Her dairy has become very popular now, that its part of all children's education. To summarize, I think her diary does change our understanding from a wide range, towards the depth of the Holocaust, and how it affected many Jews at the time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A letter from the Battlefront

Old Street 7454, Berlin
September 1, 1939

Dearest Elizabeth,
A couple days ago after having the shortages of food, we launched the blitzkrieg into Poland, where they were defenseless against us. We had slaughtered many men like pigs, and many others wounded. With Prussia in the east, Germany in the north, and Silesia and Slovakia in the south, our units, with more than 2000 tanks and over 1000 planes broke through Polish defenses along the border. Our plan was to form a massive encirclement attack, in order for Poland to surrender. In the first couple of days during the war, we had completely wiped out the Polish air force. The Polish had tried to escape, but were always killed, and never made it. Planes were flying around everywhere, mysteriously releasing bombs. Explosions turned the blue sky into black, releasing carbon dioxide into our lungs. A step closer to suffocating each time.

I heard the bloody cries of woman, children, and men, all whom have done nothing to harm us, and yet, we still kill them. Our high usage of aircraft and bombing played a major death role in taking over Poland. Compared to the Polish army, we had nearly double the weapons, which made Poland look powerless against us. Several days later, the Polish army had surrendered, and on that same day, Russia had met with us as partners. The wars here are extremely bloody and vicious. Even though we celebrate our victories, I believe that even as a soldier, war isn’t right. We had won the war, proudly celebrate our victories. But in my heart, I have lost. Lost the trust of the Polish, and from everyone whom I have killed. Its a huge burden for me to carry, even as a soldier.

Otherwise, we do have some bad news. After all our efforts into serving our country, and taking over Poland, Britain has declared war on us. Don’t worry about me, this is what I want, to serve my country to the last, doing good or bad. If I don’t ever see you again, my dearest Elizabeth, I want you to know I had loved you and our children more than anything. I will see you soon that I promise, but this time, in a better place, and forever.

Your Husband,
Abe Levi

P.S. Please don’t tell our children yet about what might happen to me. If I do die fighting for my country, I want you to wait for them to get old enough, they will understand then. I’m very sorry dear Elizabeth. I want you to know that if I die, I die with victory. Not the victory of our country, but the victory in my heart. If this letter does reach before the day of the war, you will know I am still alive. I love you so dearly, and please, the children shall not know. Not just yet.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Recipe for World War II

- 2 cups of the failure of Treaty of Versailles
- 6 cups of Fascism
- 1 tablespoon the League of Nations
- 4 cups of Hitler
- 1 sliced Rhineland or Czechoslovakia
- 2 fresh invasions from Japan
- 5 teaspoons of appeasement
- 2 heaps of hatred
- 2 teaspoons of power
- Bowl of revenge
- 1 cup of declaring war

Preheat the oven to very slow 150°C.
In a bowl of revenge, carefully pour 4 cups of Hitler, and stir till they combine.
Once blended, sprinkle 2 teaspoons of power and spread evenly among the bowl.
In a separate bowl, beat together the failed treaty of Versailles, and the powerless league of nations.
Leave to stand for 15 minutes.
Add Fascism and appeasement gradually, one at a time, beating constantly until the mixture is thick of Hitler.
Slice Rhineland or Czechoslovakia and add to the mixture.
Sprinkle 2 heaps of hatred across the top.
Pour both bowls into a brushed oven tray with melted hope.
Add 2 fresh invasions from Japan.
Shape level of declaring war into a ball and flatten completely.
Place it on top of the mixture and bake until it turns crisp and dull.
You now have your recipe to World War II.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Critique of Animal Farm

The film overall did an ok job with outlining the video. Although the book had given more detailed information, the movie showed the main idea of the book. I personally think that the movie could have been better. Some events weren't in the correct order, and some character's whom are important to the story weren't present. Also, the cartoon doesn't make the issue seem that serious. I think it makes it more of a cute animal movie. Some parts of it gave more feeling than others, like when boxer had died, and the animals were weeping. I would prefer the movie to the book because it does summarize the story, but if I wanted a more detailed outline of the Russian Revolution, I would pick out the book.
Some parts in the movie were incorrect, or wasn't mentioned such as there being no presence Clover, and Mollie. Also, the movie had made it seem like a happy ending. The animals from many farms united, and defeated Napoleon. The book would had given it more serious issues about the Revolution, and the animals didn't unite together. Secondly, the van that Boxer was sent to in the book had slaughter house written on it, which gave it more emotion. The movie had left it out, so people whom haven't read the book wouldn't know where Boxer was headed to. Lastly, in the book when they first kicked out Jones, they had attacked them, But in the movie just scared him off. This didn't show how much anger the animals had, compared to the book. The movie leaves out the important details, and because of that, it doesn't give much of a serious attitude towards the Animals, and the Russian Revolution.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Which Animal Are You?

I most likely represent Clover in the book Animal Farm because she is loyal to her friends. "They were unfailing at their attendance at the secret meetings in the barn, and led the singing of beasts of England, with which meetings always ended" Clover knows what is right, and she chooses on path to take, care for the farm. She doesn't give up hope. When boxer was hurt she decided to stay behind and take care of him. Although Clover knows something isn't right when Napoleon takes over, she can't quite figure out what to do. She wants to help, but she doesn't know how to. I am similar to her in many ways, I know something is wrong, but sometimes i don't have the guts to speak it out. Clover realizes that some of the commandments are I am loyal to my close friends, and would always help them when they need. To summarize, I represent Clover the most

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injustice, and Self-Determination

Tyranny is when there is someone that rules through the means of threatening, and violence and has the central power. Injustice is when someone is being treated unfairly, and unlike others. Self-Determination is when one person wants to take rule and take over. In the book 'Animal Farm' all these things are being shown. Their farmer, Jones, is being a tyrant because he is taking rule of the animals without them having any choice to do otherwise. He makes them work, and at times forgets to bring them food. The animals are treated harshly, and this resulted in their plans of taking him down. This book also shows Injustice because the animals need to work all day, and some days food is not provided. The animals need to be treated equally as humans. Have time to rest, good food, and not needing to work all day. Also, Self-Determination is shown because the animals on the farm want to take Jones down. They decide that its time for a new revolution, a new rule so they can have their freedom to do what they want most. Some animals think that over-ruling Jones would be horrible because no one would be providing them food, but the animals clarify that their lives would be better with the human gone. All this tyranny, and injustice had lead the animals to the wanting of self-determination.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life, or Death?

Another day
Of agonizing cries
Of pain, and loss
The smell of rotten bodies

The blood carved on the mud

Stained with hatred

And firing guns

A non-stop cry
Dare not stand up
For it is suicide

Ask your self
Shall I live, or die?

Though now limited choices

Shall I be with god?

Will he take me?
The fear in one others eyes

Stench of gas builds up

Sucking the life of him

Dare not stand up

For it is suicide

The beauty of nature
All burned down to dust
Smoke scatters the air

This is not what they came for
Not what they wanted

But the only direction

They have to face it
Dare not stand up
For it is suicide

Another day
Another life
They lie on the cold floor
Dead and gone
But enemies no more

human Like us, like them
Then it starts again

Dare not stand up
For it is suicide

is is war
World War I


Monday, January 19, 2009

Military in Your Future?

In Thailand, at the age of 18, all males are registered, but it is voluntary whether they chose to join or not. However, at the age of 21, it is compulsary that all males join the military service. Therefor, when i grow up i am not forced to join the army. I would try to restrain from joining the army at all costs, even if it means to defend your country. But, if i were to join the army, it would be either for training, or if i chose that path in college. I would be able to do the training, but if it means real war, i wouldn't be able to fight. Also, since i want to study medical sciences, and help wounded people, i could help the army in that way. If the army needs doctors, then i would help out. But if the army needs soldiers, i wouldn't want to go there.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Feedback Jan 5-9 Great Powers Game

The visual elements that stand out in this cartoon are the hands that link each other, and one person who doesn't have any hands linking her. Also, some people have more than one hand, showing they are is greater power than others around them. The bear, who is also known as Russia, is also an element that stands out. I believe this issue is about certain countries having alliances with one another, and how some countries have more alliances than others. These alliances varies from more powerful countries having more alliances, and weaker countries having nothing. The cartoonist opinion in this cartoon is that the two in the middle, who are Germany, and Austria/Hungry are more powerful, and keep the war held together. They have more hands reaching out, meaning they have more alliances with others, making them more powerful than the weaker countries. The evidence i see is that Germany and Austria/Hungry are shaking hands with nearly everyone throughout this picture. The cartoonist could have shown more clearly the two main countries with the most alliances. This relates to the Great Powers game because more countries wanted to make alliances with the powerful countries instead of the weaker ones. Some countries were left with nothing, such as the Netherlands in this picture. The greater countries could have the advantage of making more alliances because of their power.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Great Powers Game Debrief

My country was Japan. Building my empire was hard at first, but the more buying power i had, the more easier it became. The empire would gradually build up, and at first i felt that Japan was hopeless, and it wouldn't have much power as other countries, but later it felt that Japan had a chance. The countries with the higher buying powers such as US had more of an advantage because it could gain more power faster by buying many industries, and armies. My empire felt small against the large countries, and its power was small.

At the beginning of the game, it felt more important to buy industries because you could earn 1 more everytime you buy it, increasing your buying power so you can buy more. But further into the game, it felt more important to have the right amount of armies because eventually, you would be attacked.

I personally think i did well negotiating, and having definite allies who would for sure back me upwhen i needed help. what i would have done differently was changing my technique to buying lots to industries and colonies to increase the power, and then buy all armies to the end so i would have enough to defeat the other countries.

My alliances were successful, although some of them wanted to change, but didn't. I also ended up being alliances with Russia who had promised to give me the land i needed. I could trust Russia the most to have backed me up. She could help me because she got wiped out right before me. Not all allies could be trusted, such as Germany. Germany were my allies, but they wanted to join the winning side so they had a bit of confusion.

I learned that different countries wanted similar properties that other countries had, and they would fight, or even start a war in order to gain that money. Also, not all allies could have been trusted, you mostly had to be independent in making the choices.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

End of Quarter 2 Feedback

I have developed a clear and good understanding on imperialism. i have learned what it means, the positives affects, and the negative affects that occurred over those years. it has given me a new understanding of something i have never heard, or learned about before. i have developed a good understanding on imperialism. I have achieved my second goal, but no to the best. Spelling is good, i have done my best, and commas, periods, etc are better. Just sometimes i can miss out on one or two of them, but overall, i have tried to achieve this goal, and i'm getting there. My third goal was to do better in Socratic seminars. We haven't done much of that lately, instead we have done trails. It is a good way to bring out ideas, and i am trying to improve at that.
My new goals for this quarter are:
1) Be more efficient in writing final copies, and all punctuation are correct
2) Keep up with the class and classwork, including homework
3) Participate during class more often