Monday, March 16, 2009

End of Quarter 3 Feedback

My first goal for last quarter was to be efficient in punctuation and writing. I think i have achieved part of my goal, but not to the most. As far as punctuation, working on the grammer worksheets have improved my sentence fluency, and writing techniques. My writing on the Recipe poem was pretty good, and i found that it really has improved over last quarter. My second goal was to keep up with classwork including homework. Overall i think i did a decent job keeping up with handing in homework on time and doing it correctly. Homework has been boosting up my grade, and i feel proud to have accomplished this goal. Lastly, my third goal was to participate in class more often. I strongly think that has improved compared to last quarter, but i could have participated more. Sometimes i know the answer, but dont have the guts to say it. That has improved, and i am participating more in class.
My goals for 4th quarter are:
1. To write a well written research paper for UBD.
2. To read on a daily basis and improve vocabulary for more writing coming up
3.Improve my powerpoint skills if any use of powerpoints is needed.